
Present case report describes an unusual instance of esophageal actinobacillosis in an adult cow presented to the university hospital with a history of inability to drink and swallow. Clinical evaluation revealed a noticeable five-inch swelling in the Juglar groove, while radiographic imaging indicated the presence of a small, round, and mildly radio-opaque lesion. In response, an exploratory surgical excision was performed as a palliative measure, and the excised tissue was subsequently preserved in 10% buffered formalin for histopathological examination. Histopathology revealed pyogranulomatous inflammation characterized by radiating eosinophilic club shaped bodies surrounding small colonies of coccobacilli. Grams and Zeil Neelson stains confirmed the presence of gram negative and non-acid fast coccobacilli. Additionally, following a thorough review of relevant literature on atypical actinobacillosis, the authors assert the rarity of esophageal involvement, with this case representing only the second documented instance globally.

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